Your savings go beyond
When you join GovX, you automatically get a GovX ID. You can use your GovX ID to instantly and securely verify your Military or First Responder status at hundreds of partner websites. That means you don’t have to upload documents or share sensitive information. Simply log in with your GovX ID and they’ll handle the authentication on your behalf.
GovX ID is trusted by more than 3.8 million members and over 1,000 brands. We keep your information safe and make it easy to unlock the discounts you’ve earned when you shop online.
How does GovX verify my affiliation?
There are several ways they can verify your status to get approved for a GovX ID. The methods they use depend on your group affiliation, including DoD databases, email address verification, and document uploads. Regardless of which method you use, registering only takes a minute and most verifications happen in real-time.
How does GovX protect your data?
GovX takes data security very seriously! All information is encrypted in their database at all times. Furthermore, any documents you upload during the verification process are instantly deleted from their system after your membership has been approved.
What if I have issues with my GovX account?
Please contact the GovX Support team if you have questions with your eligibility or difficulty accessing your account.
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