Why do I need to upgrade my speaker?
Upgrading your speaker to the latest firmware is essential for maximizing your speakers potential while ensuring everything runs smoothly.
What changed with upgrades from 2.0 onwards?
Starting from version 2.0, we've introduced a more convenient upgrade process. Now, you can continue enjoying your music while we seamlessly download the upgrade in the background. No more interruptions to your tunes!
How does the process of upgrading work?
The upgrade process is divided into three simple steps:
1. Download:
When you initiate the upgrade, we'll start downloading it in the background. This download can take up to 2 hours, but here's the good news: you can still play music and use your phone as usual.
2. Installation:
Once the download is complete, you can install the upgrade. You have the freedom to do this at your convenience. Just keep in mind that during the installation (which takes 2-8 minutes), you won't be able to play music. Also, ensure that your battery has at least 2 out of 5 LED bars.
3. Completion:
After a successful installation, you'll be prompted to complete the process. This involves going into your Bluetooth settings, forgetting your Soundboks device, and then pairing with it again. This step ensures a clean and error-free connection to your speaker.
That's it!
Your speaker is now up-to-date and ready to deliver the best sound experience.
Something went wrong with the upgrade and I can’t proceed?
If something doesn't go as planned during the upgrade process, don't worry! You can always give it another try, if the Upgrade interrupted. Sometimes, a fresh start can work wonders.
However, if you're still facing issues and the upgrade isn't successful, there's no need to fret. Our dedicated SOUNDBOKS support team is here to help. Feel free to reach out to them at info@soundboks.com, and they'll assist you in getting your speaker up to date.
2025-03-20 10:20:15 UTC